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WTC Business Recovery Grant Program
by: DowntownNYC Staff

Published by: Economic Development Corporation
on: Tuesday, April 30th, 2002

No excuses: if you are a self-employed business downtown download the Application for WTC Business Recovery Grant Program form and go to 140 William. Speak with Rosalie Tanaka, she is there to help deliver assistance.


World Trade Center Business Recovery Grant Program

Dear Business Owner:

�During the past few months, millions of compassionate and caring Americans have offered unprecedented support and assistance to those affected by the attack on the World Trade Center.� Through their efforts the spirit of New York and the spirit of America has been renewed.

�We must continue our efforts to restore the strength of New York�s economy, and to do that we must rebuild our nation�s financial capital, New York City.� To help that process I am pleased to announce the World Trade Center Business Recovery Grant Program, an initiative designed to assist businesses and not-for-profit organizations on or south of 14th Street in Lower Manhattan.

�The WTC Business Recovery Grant Program will provide cash grants to eligible businesses and not-for-profit organizations to compensate them for economic losses resulting from the disaster.� The program will provide assistance in an amount ranging from 2 to 10 days of gross revenues, capped at $50,000 to $300,000 per business, depending on location. To be eligible for assistance through the program, applicants must show proof of business location in the eligible area as of September 11th.

�To determine if your company qualifies for funding, carefully review program information attached below, complete an application and bring it to the WTC Business Recovery Center at 2 Rector Street.� Applications may also be mailed to:� WTC Business Recovery Grant Program, Empire State Development, P.O. Box 4438, Grand Central Station, New York, NY� 10017.�

If you have questions about the program, visit the 2 Rector Street or 140 William Street Business Recovery Centers, call 1-800-ILOVENY (1-800-456-8369), 1-866-227-0458 or send an e-mail to [email protected].�

�Thank you for all you have done to keep your business running in New York City � the business capital of the world.� Together, with your help and determination we will prevail.


George E. Pataki,
Governor � Sincerely,

Michael R. Bloomberg

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