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Workshops to Assist Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses Affected by 9/11
by: Staff

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on: Tuesday, July 16th, 2002

There are workshops to assist entrepreneurs and small businesses affected by September 11. Andrew M. Alper, president of the New York City Economic Development Corporation (EDC) joined with the Downtown Cooperative and the Department of Business Services to host a series of workshops to help entrepreneurs and small business owners. The seminars, free of charge, require no pre-registration and will be held in the evening at the WTC Business Rebuilding Center at 140 William Street. The workshops will feature panel discussions, question and answer sessions and advice from business professionals. The seminars will cover a variety of topics, including finance and accounting, sales and marketing, human resources, technology and entrepreneurship.
The seminar sessions left are:
��How to get the most out of your Marketing, Advertising and PR budgets during Challenging Times� on July 16
��Attract Top Management to your Company� on July 30
��How to Select a Benefit Plan for a Small Business� on August 13
��Teamwork! How to Build and Sustain a Great Team� on August 27
��All in the family: How to Survive and Thrive in Small Family Business� on September 10
��Using Technology to Grow your Business� on September 24
��Technology Outsourcing Solutions that Improve your Bottom Line� on October 15
��The New Entrepreneur in Today�s Economy� on October 29
��How to Reinvent during a Difficult Economy� on November 5
��How to Fund an Early Stage Business in Today�s Economy� on November 19
��Where to Find Early Stage Financing� on December 3

All seminars will be held from 6-8 p.m. To learn more about the small business workshop series call the WTC Business Rebuilding Center at (212) 406-9310.

The WTC Business Rebuilding Center located at 140 William Street (corner of Fulton Street), is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and on Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.

EDC is the City�s primary vehicle for economic development services. Using its real estate and financing resources, EDC helps develop businesses and create jobs throughout the five boroughs.

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