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Grants for NYC Cultural and Performing Arts Organizations
by: Staff

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on: Tuesday, July 16th, 2002

The Mellon Foundation Grant offers grants between $250,000 to $2 million for NYC cultural and performing arts organizations. A $50 million fund has been established to aid cultural and performing arts organizations directly affected by the events of 9/11.

Candidates will need to submit a proposal that documents the direct financial and other consequences they have experienced as a result of 9/11. Individuals are not eligible. Organizations can be located anywhere in New York City. Call T. Dennis Sullivan, Financial Vice President at (212) 838-8400 for more information.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg has announced a round of city grants for small and midsize arts organizations and artists, for losses incurred after Sept. 11. The funds will come from the $2.5 million grant that the city made to Broadway in December. A good portion of the grant has been returned to the city because Broadway rebounded more quickly than expected.

The money is expected to go to a number of groups, including three umbrella organizations--the Alliance of Resident Theaters/New York, the American Music Center, and the New York Foundation for the Arts--that received grants from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to divide among smaller groups. Please call the EDC hotline (866) 227-0458 for updated information.

Email contact: [email protected].

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