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September 11th Fund Emergency Grant Award Program
by: Staff

Published by:
on: Tuesday, July 16th, 2002

The September 11th Fund Emergency Grant Program was designed to help victims of the 9/11 attacks, and their families, by making cash available to meet their immediate financial needs. Individuals who have been financially impacted by the disaster are eligible for emergency grants.

Displaced workers and small business owners who worked for an affected company located below Canal Street and lost income as a direct result of the tragedy between September 11th and January 11th. They will be asked to provide photo ID and a pay stub or other proof of employment/business salary. They must meet the following criteria:
1.They either received assistance from Safe Horizon by March 8, 2001, AND

2.(a) They are undocumented workers who are ineligible to apply for unemployment insurance. Undocumented workers who are ineligible to apply for unemployment insurance can receive additional payments every two weeks (up to a maximum of $10,000) as long as they are unemployed and not getting paid, OR

3.(b) They can prove that they have applied and been rejected for unemployment insurance. Someone with a rejection letter from New York State Unemployment Insurance can receive an additional check while they apply for Disaster Unemployment Assistance (application deadline is June 17, 2002). If an individual receives a rejection letter from Disaster Unemployment Assistance also, they can receive follow-up assistance every two weeks until they find a new job or reach the maximum of $10,000, whichever is first.

Funds will be provided to cover:
� Lost income;
� Loss of support;
� Uncovered medical expenses;
� Housing expenses such as hotel bills, rent for a second
apartment for displaced residents;
� Counseling expenses for those ineligible for other
programs such as lesbian and gay partners of the

Applicants will be asked to itemize, and provide documentation (where possible) of expenses to be funded.

The Emergency Grant Program will not cover the value of cash or jewelry lost in the disaster, any expenses subject to reimbursement under other programs and applicants who do not fit in the categories identified above (e.g. people who neither worked nor lived at the sire nor were emotionally and/or financially interdependent on the deceased person).

Displaced workers and small business owners who are eligible should call 866-689-HELP and ask to be assigned a service coordinator. The service coordinator will be able to help the individual get assistance from Safe Horizon if he/she is eligible.

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