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Federal Emergency Management Agency
by: Staff

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on: Tuesday, July 16th, 2002

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Assistance also offers disaster unemployment assistance for businesses. Those out of work as a result of the disaster, including self-employed persons and others not normally eligible for unemployment can call (800) 462-9029 or go to the City�s Individual Assistance Center at 80 Centre/141 Worth Street.

� FEMA Mortgage and Rental Assistance (MRA) program:
� FEMA's new program provides assistance to disaster victims who could lose their primary residence as a result of financial hardship caused by the WTC attack.
� Whether potential applicants live in the state of New York or elsewhere, they may be eligible for MRA if their employment was directly affected by the damages in the WTC impact zone.
� To apply for MRA, call the FEMA toll-free registration line at 1-800-462-9029, TTY 1-800-462-7585.
PLEASE NOTE: FEMA has extended its deadline for filing physical damage claims from June 11 to September 30, 2002.

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